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Training of in-demand specialists for real sectors of economy and business at Turan University

Turan University was established and registered in 1992 in Almaty and is the core of the educational corporation.

GÜNCEL 30.12.2022 15:54:29
Training of in-demand specialists for real sectors of economy and business at Turan University

Turan University was established and registered in 1992 in Almaty and is the core of the educational corporation.

Turan University as a new type of higher education institution with qualified scientific and pedagogical potential, a good material and technical base, is focused on the use of modern innovative technologies in the training of specialists and fully complies with international quality standards.

Turan University today positions itself as an innovative and entrepreneurial university and occupies a leading place among domestic universities. The University is strengthening its competitive position in the global market of educational services and research programs.

The most important principles of the university's activity are the fundamental and quality of knowledge, practical orientation, continuity and continuity of education, integration of education, science and business, usefulness to society and the state.

The main value of the University 'Turan' is academic integrity, the standards of which are strictly observed by the top management, teaching and administrative staff, students. Turan University takes responsibility for the quality of education provided, its compliance with the demands of the labor market, individual educational and professional needs of students. The quality assurance of the provided education is provided through the management system quality, a set of developed procedures and internal regulatory documents. The quality management system is based on a process approach and modern concepts of risk-oriented thinking, covers the educational process, research, innovation, experimental, socio-cultural and educational activities. At the same time, the implementation of the link between teaching and learning, scientific research and innovative developments is based on the innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem of the university. The basis for continuous improvement of the quality of processes is the monitoring of an effective feedback system with consumers and other interested parties.

In November 2020, the Academic Council of the University approved a new Development Strategy for 2021-2024. The strategy was developed in the context of the goals and objectives set out in the State Program for the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, the Strategy for the Development of the city of Almaty until 2050, the Regional Entrepreneurship Development Program 'Almaty Business – 2025', etc.

Students can study under state grants and grants from the rector of the university. Excellent students can apply for scholarships from Kazakhstani and foreign companies and organizations. All this makes it possible to give students a quality education for their further employment and development in the competitive environment of modern society.

The University has more than 700 personal computers. The internal system is supported by a powerful server. Turan University became the first university in the Republic of Kazakhstan to join the Eduroam project, which allows students and university staff to use free Wi-Fi in almost any university in 54 countries under their corporate login.

The university also opened a digital laboratory 'Apple Digital Lab'. Within the framework of the project, children and young people have access to educational programs developed by Apple — Everyone Can Code (Everyone can program) and Everyone Can Create (Everyone can create). Among other things, the digital laboratory is focused on the formation of teaching staff who are able to work in a digital environment, as well as to form and transfer knowledge in today's digital realities.

Rector of the University - Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the Orders 'Parasat', 'Barys III' degree, President of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vice-President of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Academy of Economic Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Board of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic Kazakhstan.

The first vice-rector of the University is Kuanysh Amerkulovich Tazabekov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, President of the Kazakhstan Marketing Association, editor-in-chief of the Kazakhstan Information and Encyclopedic Reference Book (KInES).

The University provides training in 31 bachelor's degree specialties, 16 master's degree specialties, 6 PhD doctoral specialties at 4 faculties: Economics, Humanities and Law, the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Art and the Faculty of English-language STEM programs.

The Faculty of Humanities and Law trains qualified specialists in the relevant fields of humanities and jurisprudence. Full educational cycle of training specialists: bachelor – master – PhD in three languages of instruction: state, Russian and English.

To date, the department is headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Ospanova Jamila Azizkhanovna. Deputy Head of the Department, Associate Professor, PhD Myrzataev Nurmukhamed Dauletkeldievich. The educational process is carried out in the following specialties: 6B04201 – Jurisprudence; 7M04201: Scientific and pedagogical direction – Jurisprudence; 7M04202: Profile direction – Jurisprudence; 8D04201 – Jurisprudence. For the 2021-2022 academic year, 9 ops were developed and updated in the specialties that passed Atameken, international Accreditation, NAR. 3 articles have been published in journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, as well as monographs and textbooks. On September 05, 2022, a meeting of rectors of Turan University and the Griboyedov Institute of International Law and Economics took place at Turan University (Moscow, Russian Federation). During the meeting, plans for the development of scientific and educational cooperation between the two universities, as well as the possibilities of internship programs and bilateral academic mobility were discussed. As a result, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the two universities. Also, the department has opened a forensic office, there is an opportunity to publish the results of scientific research in the periodical of the university — the scientific journal 'Bulletin of the University 'Turan' (Legal series).

In its activities, the University is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'On Education'. The Concept of strategic development of the University is based on the annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people, the National Plan - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, laws and state standards of students in higher educational institutions educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the rules of the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education. The main internal documents are: the Strategic Development Plan of the University for 2020-2025, annual comprehensive plans and process regulations.

Turan University is one of the leading universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides licensed educational services that meet modern requirements for educational activities in market conditions. A powerful material and technical base has been created at the university, qualified teaching staff has been formed, leading the educational process on the basis of innovative and information technologies.

Thus, the educational process at Turan University is aimed at the formation of highly qualified specialists, competitive in the labor market, capable of effective work in the specialty and in related fields, meeting the needs of the socio-economic development of the region, its ethno-cultural and national characteristics, capable of positively influencing intra-Kazakh and world processes.

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Takım O G M B Av P
1.Galatasaray 32 28 1 3 53 87
2.Fenerbahçe 32 27 1 4 57 85
3.Trabzonspor 32 16 12 4 12 52
4.Beşiktaş 32 14 12 6 4 48
5.Rizespor 32 14 12 6 -4 48
6.İstanbul Başakşehir 32 13 12 7 4 46
7.Kasımpaşa 32 13 12 7 -2 46
8.Sivasspor 32 11 10 11 -5 44
9.Antalyaspor 32 10 10 12 -1 42
10.Alanyaspor 32 10 10 12 -5 42
11.Adana Demirspor 32 9 10 13 5 40
12.Samsunspor 32 10 14 8 -6 38
13.Ankaragücü 32 8 11 13 -1 37
14.Kayserispor 32 10 12 10 -9 37
15.Konyaspor 32 8 12 12 -11 36
16.Hatayspor 32 7 13 12 -8 33
17.Gazişehir Gaziantep 32 8 17 7 -15 31
18.Fatih Karagümrük 32 7 16 9 -6 30
19.Pendikspor 32 7 16 9 -28 30
20.İstanbulspor 32 4 21 7 -34 16